Welcome to a highly fueled edition of The Festival of Stocks #48! There are some great articles in this weeks Festival of Stocks. Let's get to the submissions.
Eric Schleien presents The Dark Side Of Warren Buffett posted at ValueSeeker.Net. I really enjoyed this article about Warren Buffett. It keeps perceptions of him in perspective and shows that he is human and has made mistakes among other things.
Leon Gettler presents The bear turns global posted at Sox First. The fallout from the US mortgage mess continues to hurt the US market and beyond. Clearly, issues once specific to the US are now flowing through to other markets as banks force borrowers to sell assets and investors scramble away from risk. And it will get worse.
George Courtney jr presents Despite Volatility, Stocks Are a Good Deal posted at The Authentic Bartender Blog.
Makes the case though stocks are still near all-time highs, they are nevertheless bargain-priced. Second, the credit crisis that has triggered the recent volatility really isn't all that threatening.
FMF presents Another Vote for Index Funds posted at Free Money Finance. Another reason to invest in index funds. Looks at what legendary fund manager Bill Miller has to say and makes some good common sense conclusions about index funds vs. actively managed funds.
I myself like index funds/mutual funds plus a handful of quality stocks for the competent individual investor.
Babak presents Time To Consider The Battered Financial Sector posted at Trader's Narrative. Time to scoop up cheap and beaten down shares in the financial sector (banks, brokers, insurance co's). After the recent market weakness this sector has gotten very cheap. Time to buy great companies like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and the like at fire sale prices.
James presents Analyzing Some of the New Top 25: Shoes,Oil,and... His site that I highly recommend College Analysts. Here he looks at Steven Madden (SHOO), Valero (VLO), and New Frontier Media (NOOF), all of which he believes are solid buys given their low valuations. These are from a model that does a quantitative evaluation of about 1,500 stocks. The model generates a power ranking of stocks. The model is very useful for generating leads into some excellent and potentially under-priced businesses.
Blake Morphis presents Mad Money - Defense - ATK and RTN | Mad Money and Fast Money Recap & Fan Site posted at Mad Money and Fast Money Recap & Fan Site. Given the recent market volatility, Jim's recent recommendation on the new bull market in defense stocks.
Silicon Valley Blogger presents Shrug Off A Stock Market Slide! 7 Surefire Ways To Handle A Market Fall posted at The Digerati Life. Some good advice on how to handle these falling markets. Just a couple of the topics hit on are to not listen to the media hype and think like a contrarian. Excellent article here.
The Mad Money Analyst presents Option Premium Valuation: Time and Intrinsic Value posted at The Mad Money Analyst. A good review of how to effectively evaluate options premiums. This gives investors a clearer view of what exactly effects prices and premiums of options. Markets have lately been increasingly volatile and this will help you find those right entry points and calculate volatility profitability. Make more on your investments.
Super Saver presents 7/30/07 Stock Purchase Update - After The Carnage posted at My Wealth Builder. Some recent stocks they picked up during the market fall. This article like so many others in this weeks festival have a recurring theme that lower stock prices are sometimes a welcomed opportunity for the intelligent investor. A depressed Mr. Market can give us great opportunities sometimes in good businesses like Ben Graham said.
Steve Faber presents - Make Gains From the Chinese and Indian Markets Without Actually Investing There posted at Debt Free.
Matthew Paulson presents When You Invest at the Bottom, When Do You Sell? posted at Getting Green.
Eric Stanley presents Two Investment Mistakes posted at Personal Finance Blog Articles. Are you finding good investments for your new money? Or are you doing the right thing and also finding better investments for your OLD money?
Shadox presents SEC Fines? Double Whammy for Investors posted at Money and Such. Some SEC fines just don't make sense, since they are punishing the victims of the crime. This article is my analysis of the situation.
Personal Finance
Tim Ramsey presents How to Pay Off Credit Card Bills posted at My Debt Relief Blog. Trapped in credit card debt? You can get out of the credit card trap with my sure-fire way to pay off those pesky bills.
Eric Hudin presents My Estate Planning Career Blog » Blog Archive » Selecting a Good Trustee - Factors to Consider When Choosing a Trustee posted at My Estate Planning Career Blog. Wills and Trusts are an important financial vehicle for transferring wealth. But who should manage your trust? I'll tell you how to pick the best person.
Aaron Wakling presents Credit Cards - A Necessary Evil posted at The Credit & Credit Card Blog. Well you probabaly already know the answer to this one. I cover good uses for credit cards and bad ones. Its a good article for anyone concerned about if they should use their credit cards to make purchases.
Options and Trading
Dax Desai presents Fundamental Rule of Day Trading: Preservation of Capital posted at Dax Desai. Explains the importance of Preservation of Capital when day trading and gives examples of right/wrong ways of day trading.
Nabloid.com presents The Power of Options » Nabloid on Investing posted at Nabloid on Investing. Takes a look at the advantages of options.
Dax Desai presents Fundamental Rule of Day Trading: Preservation of Capital posted at Dax Desai. 1st in a series: Rules of Day Trading - Preserve Capital
Alvaro Fernandez presents Lifelong Learning for Top Performance posted at Brain Fitness Blog. Great advice from a trading guru.
Submit your best articles on stock market related topics for future festivals. This concludes another edition of the Festival of Stocks.
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